We are a group of volunteers dedicated to making a positive impact in our local community. By joining us, you'll have the opportunity to meet new people and make a difference in the lives of those around you.
Fundraising is a critical part of our organization's efforts. We need volunteers to help plan and execute fundraising events, as well as to reach out to potential donors and sponsors.
We need volunteers to help us spread the word about our organization and our mission. This includes creating and distributing flyers, reaching out to local media outlets, and connecting with other community organizations.
The next date is approaching fast, and we would like to invite you. Don’t miss out!
The big day may have come and gone, but pre-register with us for our next meeting.
Buford A. Johnson Chapter Tuskegee Airmen Inc.
12125 Day St, Suite V205 Moreno Valley, California 92553, United States
Copyright © 2025 Buford A. Johnson Chapter, Tuskegee Airmen Incorporated
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